Business Coaching


Advocating a process that encourages systemic change within a specific context whilst utilising community participation, ownership and empowerment.

What is Business Coaching?

Business Coaching in the context of Community Consultations is about working with businesses in the development of strategies to enable corporations to contribute more to community initiatives. This could be financial, in kind, skills and resources.

How can you benefit from Business Coaching?

Businesses can benefit through the development of the feeling of ‘giving back’ to community, of employees having a higher sense of worth and self esteem and actually making a difference to others and their lives.

Types of Business Coaching?

Strategic plan development – The process of determining the corporate direction with regard to philanthrophy

Identification of community attributes - Supporting the corporate mission, add value and create marketing opportunities.

An example would be with the Mens Sheds – the need to engage men and association to the initiative ie; shed suppliers & construction, tooling & machinery providers, health and welfare agencies.

It is exciting to find at a local level more and more businesses are supporting financially and in kind community initiatives. Particularly thoes initiatives where the community itself is contributing in voluntry time, sharing of resources and in direct financial terms eg; fundrasing. If your business whishes to discuss how to support local Community initiatives then contact Community Consultations who have been successful in securing funding from a number of businesses and organisations for the support of Community initiatives.